Materials to assist your stewardship journey
This page is meant to accompany the book Community of Prayer and is designed as a supplemental resource for the weekly “Going Deeper” segments. You can order Community of Prayer from Christian Board of Publication (Discounts for quantity orders apply)
Week One – Creation as a Blueprint for Generosity
The creation poem of Genesis 1 tells us that generosity is in our DNA. As those created in the image of a generous God, our natural instincts are therefore inclined toward generosity. The seventh day as Sabbath rest indicates that God can be trusted to provide (even on a day absent of labor), so we can exercise that generosity with confidence.
Creation and Abundance with Bruce Barkhauer
The Enuma Elish the Story Behind Genesis 1 with Rick Lowery (in two parts)
Part One • Part Two
Laudato Si, the Encyclical Letter on the Environment by Pope Francis
Sabbath and Jubilee by Rick Lowery (order from Chalice Press)
Sabbath as Resistance by Walter Brueggemann (order from WJK Press)
Week Two – Self-Care and the Gospel as Building Blocks for Stewardship
Important aspects of stewardship include the care of ourselves (beyond treasure) so that we may more fully express our talents and abilities for the benefit of others. Further, we have been entrusted with the Gospel and its final word of God’s triumph over the powers and principalities of this world. God’s love is unstoppable and we are charged with sharing that Good News.
Unbinding the Gospel by Martha Grace Reese (order from Chalice Press)
Week Three – Understanding Our Relationship with Money
The biblical witness challenges us to look at how we feel about what we have. While relatively neutral about wealth conceptually , the concern is how having or not having resources impacts our encounter with the world around us and our reliance on God. Do we fear losing our stuff (and thus hoard) or do we see having assets as a way of participating in the Realm of God (and thus share)? If we are lacking resources, are we motivated only by acquisition for its own sake?
Holy Currencies by Eric Law (order from Chalice Press)
Contentment in an Age of Excess by Will Samson and Shane Claiborne (order from
Enough by Adam Hamilton (order from Abingdon Press)
The Steward: A Biblical Symbol Come of Age by Douglas John Hall (out of print, buy through
Week Four – Generosity as an Agent of Transformation and Pathway to Joy
If the world is to know wholeness and transformation, it will be by God working through us. People and communities are the tools by which God blesses, reveals, and changes human circumstance. When we deploy what we have been given on behalf of the Realm with the power of the Holy Spirit, things are different. And we, like God, delight in the change that occurs, including the change that happens within us when we are free to give.
The Bible and Stewardship: The Tithe by Bruce Barkhauer
The Bible and Stewardship: Generosity by Bruce Barkhauer
The Bible and Stewardship: Transformation by Bruce Barkhauer
Stewardship in the First Testament: Justice and the Table by Rick Lowery
Part One • Part Two
Money Sanity Solutions by Nathan Dungan (order from Save Share Spend Publishing)
How To Be Rich by Andy Stanley (order from Zondervan Publishing)
“Loonie” Crazy Talk about Faith and Finances by John VanDuzer (order from United Church Publishing House)
Making More With What You Have – Building Personal Financial Health by Bruce Barkhauer