March 5, 2017

For Sunday March 5, 2017

Year A, First Sunday in Lent

First Sunday in Lent :: Purple ::

Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7 :: Psalm 32 ::  Romans 5:12-19 :: Matthew 4:1-11


Call to Worship (Responsive)

Adapted from Psalm 32    

L: Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.

P: We will confess our transgressions to the LORD,

L: And the LORD forgave the guilt of our sin.

P: We who are faithful offer prayer to the LORD;

L: At the time of distress, the rush of mighty waters shall not reach you.

P: The LORD is our hiding place. 

L: Be glad in the LORD and rejoice,

P: We shout for joy and sing praises to the LORD.


Open our eyes Lord, we want to see Jesus. We come as a part of the many faithful who make up the whole body of Christ. We come seeking to know your will and your word. We come seeking a growing faith as sure as the length of the days are growing. Guide our minds and our hearts, O God as we seek to discern your desire for our hearts and lives. Draw us near to your transforming power as we offer our prayers and praise in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Stewardship Moment:

Jesus went into the wilderness for forty days and forty nights immediately after his baptism. Some read the scriptures to say he went to be tempted, some say he went on a spiritual journey and was tempted. Regardless, Lent is our annual pilgrimage to seek spiritual renewal with Jesus. The traditional of the Lenten Fast was modeled after Jesus’ time in the wilderness. During our journey, where shall we look for spiritual food? The web link for Spiritual Practices from our denominational website ( will take you to a place called

Well-Fed Spirit is a labor of love offered by one of our partners at Disciples Home Missions, and is a Spirituality Ministry by Disciples for Disciples. When we support the Disciples Mission Fund, we support ministries like Well-Fed Spirit.

We will now receive the tithes and offerings which make ministries like Well-Fed Spirit possible.

Offertory Prayer: 

Almighty God, who call us forth in the Lenten season to journeys of wholeness and hope, we prayerfully bring these gifts. We pray that you will use them to increase your reign, to nurture spirits, and to guide believers to paths of spiritual growth. We ask your blessings on these gifts and all who have brought them in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.

Communion Meditation: 

Paul reminds us in Romans 5:18 that “one man’s act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all”. You see, Jesus’ sacrifice was neither a punishment earned nor brought by His sin; but an act of righteousness. Christ gave his life because it was the righteous thing to do in order to reconcile God with all of creation. We come to the table to remember that act of righteousness, and thank and praise God, for the gift of grace which came as a result of that act. Come to the table of righteousness and remember the one who brings justification and life for all.

All material copyright 2017 The Jubilee Fund, Inc., and appears on this site via a partnership agreement with the Center for Faith and Giving.   Permission granted to reproduce and use any of the above for Churches and Congregations to the glory of God without requirement of compensation or notification.

Scripture Quotations from the New Revised Standard Version. Online Scripture links a service of the Jean and Alexander Heard Divinity Library, of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. Check out all of the awesome resources there at