Dear ________
(Name a vital ministry) is just one of the many ways that we are engaging our community and answering God’s call in (name town). The result of this ministry and (name specifically what the ministry does) is significant, and it is a privilege to be involved in something with such positive impact. (The letter will be more powerful if you have a personal story from/about someone impacted by your mission as a starting place – but it has to be brief and be sure you receive their permission if you mention them by name.)
As you know, this is not the only way in which we are doing creative ministry and mission. (List some other ministries/mission efforts here). We are transforming lives and being transformed by the love of God at the same time. (Name of campaign) inviting us to share the Good News of Jesus through our giving and proclaiming the abundance of our God!
I want to thank you for being a partner in the ministry and mission of (name of church). Your ongoing financial contributions are making a difference in the lives of many people. You know what matters in life, and through your giving, you are sharing that with others and reaching them with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
In the next few weeks you will be hearing more about how we as a congregation are seeking to grow and answer God’s call. As you know, that will require our investment with both our spiritual and financial gifts. Because you already contribute, you know the difference your gift makes. I invite you to find your place on the enclosed “step chart” which shows the range of weekly giving for our congregation. I am asking that you pray about how you want to answer the challenge to grow and I invite you consider joining me in taking a step up by increasing your financial gift for the coming year.
The practice of generosity is a faith discipline. Growing in generosity is the mark of a developing faith and deeper walk with Christ. I joined (name of church) because I believe that its members are committed to being genuine disciples of Christ. I want to be involved with something that really matters in this community. As a congregation, we are seeking to be fed spiritually and to actively engage the world where its deepest needs meet our abilities, and with God’s help, to be a difference for good.
Our campaign theme this year “Journey to Generosity” gets to the heart of the issue. God is working through us and the things we do to accomplish positive change in the world. Every time we give, that gift becomes ministry and mission. Please keep our congregation in prayer as we move together toward discerning what gifts we will make in the coming year. Also be sure to make plans now to join us on Commitment Sunday (Date) when we will not only offer our intentions, but share together in an all church (dinner/event).
Again, thank you for your part in the life changing work of this congregation.
Generously yours,
{Signature of campaign chair}
{Official title}