July 14, 2019
Proper 10
Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Call to Worship (from Psalm 82)
One: We gather to worship Almighty God, reminded of God’s will for us.
Many: “Give justice to the weak and the orphan;
maintain the right of the lowly and the destitute.”
One: Challenged by scripture, we hear what we are to do:
Many: “Rescue the weak and the needy.”
One: As people of faith, let us praise God who is both Creator and Judge.
Many: We lift our voices to the One who both judges and saves.
(Adapted froma call found onruachwords.org)
Opening Prayer (in response to Luke 10:25-37)
Loving God, we gather this morning, not fully prepared to face the reality of your commandments. Eager to be loved, we rejoice in your agape love of compassion and care for each and for all of your beloved children. We offer our lives to you in gratitude. Seeking to worship you fully, may the words of our mouths be matched by the actions of our lives today and in the week to come, especially as we seek to show mercy to all we encounter. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship
Even people who do not regularly read scripture or attend a church know the story of “the good Samaritan”.
Faced with the reality of a person in dire circumstances, this foreigner responded with compassion and care. Not only did the Samaritan stop to tend to the man who had been robbed and beaten, but he also provided financially for the on-going care of the injured man.
Your generous giving this morning allows us to reach out to folks in need, and gives us some capacity to be a healing place. As we work to serve our neighbors (name one or more specific or particular ministries of care and compassion), let’s demonstrate our identity as ones who show mercy.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Merciful God, we ask you to receive these gifts of check and coin, add to them all that has been texted and given online, and use this offering to bring your world closer to a loving neighborhood. Encourage us to remember the poor and respond with generous hearts and hands, as we stand in the shadow of the Samaritan today. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
This table is a healing place. Just as the Samaritan brought the half-dead man to the inn and provided for him, so we are brought to this meal by Jesus.
The call of Christ continues through the ages, drawing each of us to this place where we are offered help and healing.
In these gifts of bread and cup, we’re nourished.
Through the gathered community, we’re nurtured.
In the presence of the Spirit, we’re named and claimed.
So come, whether today you’ve been robbed and beaten,
or you’ve come strong and stable,
you’re invited to be part of this feast.