September 27, 2020


September 27, 2020

These resources are provided as a free gift from the Center for Faith and Giving.  To keep these resources flowing uninterrupted, please consider making a gift to this vital ministry today so that we can continue to create a culture of generosity across the life of the whole church.


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Exodus 17:1-7

Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16

Philippians 2:1-13

Matthew 21:23-32


Call to Worship (based on Psalm 78)

Leader: Incline your ear to God’s word for you this morning.

People: We are here, God. We are listening.

Leader: Tell the coming generations of God’s glorious deeds.

People: We will open our mouths in parables; we will not hide them from our children.

Leader: Remember the marvelous things God did for our ancestors.

People: God parted the waters and led them through the wilderness.

Leader: Don’t’ forget! God is walking with us in our own wildernesses.

People: Praise God, who makes water and blessings flow!


Opening Prayer

Majestic God, you have done great things for those who have come before us, and we know you have great things planned for us. We come before you to offer our gratitude and open our hearts to your word for us today. Show us, Lord, who you have called us to be. Amen.


Moment for Stewardship

The parable of the two sons in Matthew can be frustrating. One commits to doing something and doesn’t do it, the other doesn’t commit to anything but goes ahead and does it anyway. Is there a third option here? Where’s the son who says he’s going to do it AND does it?

We’d like to think we’re that third child, and yet we are often guilty of overcommitting and underperforming. There are so many demands placed upon us that it’s hard to remember them all, much less fulfill them. As Paul says in Romans, we all fall short of the glory of God.

That doesn’t lessen the importance of the call God has placed on us. When we gave our life to Jesus Christ, we covenanted to be God’s people in and for this world. That includes promising to share our blessings for the care of the least of these. We don’t always do it perfectly, but we are called to do it faithfully. May this moment in worship be our opportunity to live out that promise. Let’s collect our tithes and offerings.


Prayer of Thanksgiving

Living God, you have promised to be our God and we have promised to be your people. Thank you for keeping your promise so faithfully. Help us to do the same as we offer these gifts to your service. Thank you for calling us to be your hands and feet in this world. Amen.


Invitation to Communion

When we talk about feeling empty, it usually carries a negative connotation. To feel empty is to be devoid of emotions, to lack feelings, to be joyless. But when Paul talks about Christ emptying himself in Philippians, it’s a reminder that because of what Christ did for us, we don’t have to feel empty. Instead, we can will and work for God’s good pleasure.

This table is a reminder of Christ’s emptying on our behalf. He poured himself out, taking on human form, humbling himself and becoming obedient to the point of death – all for us. Because he emptied himself, we can be filled with the grace and love offered here.

If you feel empty, come to this meal to be filled. Be reminded that we are called to this table to be of the same mind as Christ Jesus, who gave sacrificially so that we may know the depth of God’s love for us. Come humbly, come joyful, and come ready to be filled. Let’s share in communion together.