Pentecost XVI
Worship Resources
Call to Worship
(consider using “Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord” as a vocal call to worship)
OR (inspired by Mark 7)
One: Come, all who are eager to be touched by the healing hand of Jesus.
Many: We’re focused on worship, eager to be touched by Jesus’ healing
One: We look to God for the gift of open eyes and open ears.
Many: Open the eyes of our hearts, God of Life!
One: With joy, we come to offer our praise.
Many: So let us worship the Lord our God!
Opening Prayer
Merciful God, in the midst of challenging news from the world, and difficulties all round, thank you for waking us up this morning. You give us air to breathe, water and food to enjoy. You gather this community of faith to support and encourage one another.
Hear our gratitude, receive our praise,
and continue to open our lives to the gift of your presence,
even as we pray in Jesus’ name, AMEN
Moment for Stewardship (from Proverbs 22)
Sometimes reading from Proverbs seems like listening to a beloved, wise, elder.
In Proverbs 22, we’re taught “those who are generous are blessed”.
What would it take for you to act out your generosity today?
Is there someone who would delight in hearing your voice, as you make an unexpected phone call?
Will you share your food, your clothes, your time, with someone in need?
Will you offer not only money to support this congregation, but an additional gift to allow us to share bread with the poor?
For your generosity becomes a blessing, not only for those who receive from you, but for YOU!
Eager to be a blessing, and to be blessed, let us receive our morning offering.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
God of all good gifts,
You pour out blessings, each and every day, like the water which comes from a natural spring.
Knowing we are made in your image, we pray you will receive these tithes, gifts and offerings, multiply them for good, and put them to use.
Accept our desire to honor you with what we’ve given, and help us celebrate the ways this offering will become a blessing for others. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
(consider using the Gaither hymn “He Touched Me” as communion music)
For many, this weekend is a last summer time to enjoy before plunging into a new school year or a new church program year. For others, this Labor Day also reminds us of the efforts to honor laborers.
Coming to this Table on this Sunday, what comes to your mind?
The work of those who helped set the table before us?
Those preparing their own communion elements at home, because of virtual worship?
The work of the first disciples, who did not yet know what Jesus would face in the coming hours?
Wherever you are today, know that this Table is a place for you.
Here you are welcome.
Here you are offered gifts of life to strengthen you for the work which is yours.
Here you are invited to remember Jesus,
whose life, death and resurrection are proclaimed in this bread and cup.
So come! Bring your eager expectations for your life as a follower of Jesus.
Bring your determination to let the work of your day speak God’s love.