October 24, 2021

Worship Resources for 
the Center for Faith and Giving

Pentecost XXII

Job 42:1-6, 10-17 

 Psalm 34:1-8, (19-22) 

Hebrews 7:23-28

Mark 10:46-52

Call to Worship  (from Psalm 34, “The Message”)One:  Today’s the day to worship God!
Many:  We’re here to bless God with every breath we take.
One:  Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see
Many:  how good God is!
One: Blessed are all who run to God,
Many:  We run to God with songs of praise!

Opening Prayer  

we’ve come together to bless you 
with our songs, offerings, prayers 
and because of being nourished from scripture and at Christ’s table.

Encourage us to celebrate the ways you redeem us.
Teach us to take refuge in you, both in good and in difficult times.
Let us exalt your name today as we focus our minds and hearts on you.


Moment for Stewardship  (from Mark 10:46-52)  

The story of Jesus encountering the son of Timaeus (known by this ID – “bar” (son of) Timaeus) puts a stark question before us.

Wonder with me for a moment, as we re-frame Jesus’ question.  
What if we had the opportunity to ask this question of Jesus:  

“What do you want me to do for you?”

Bartimaeus had a clear, concise and direct answer to his question:
  “let me see again.”

But if Jesus were to answer you, 
what clear, concise, direct answer can you imagine Jesus might give?

You see, this part of worship is not just a quiet moment for the church to collect our money in order to keep the lights on and pay the staff.  This is, instead, our opportunity to dig deep inside to claim what we sense Jesus wants you…and you…and you…and me…to do.

Perhaps Jesus would respond, 
“care for that homeless man you see on the roadside every day” or
“reconcile with your neighbor” or
“accept the role of _____ in the life of this congregation”

Perhaps Jesus would respond,
“stop cheating on your _____” or
“volunteer at the food bank” or
“find the most helpful things you could do 
        when you give away 10% of your income …and do that.”

Let’s take a moment to breathe in one deep, God-given breath…
and see what our faith offers us today.
Let’s think it, imagine it and then ACT on this … 
 what we are willing to offer Jesus.  

Can you imagine how those actions could makes US well?

 (consider using “What Can I Give?” #154 in Chalice Praise as an offertory 
         solo or choir musical offering)

Prayer of Thanksgiving

God of heaven and earth, 
thank you for the ways you continue to open our eyes and clear our minds, so we are more able to act on our desire to be disciples of Jesus the Christ.

Please receive the offerings made today – checks and change in the trays – and help us use these resources wisely and well.
More than that, because we’ve also seen/felt glimmers of what we might do, help us move ahead.  Strengthen us to act in clear, concise, direct ways to honor the one who challenges us: “come, follow me”.  

Invitation to Communion  

We don’t know, of course, how long Bartimaeus had been blind, nor how many days, months or years he’d sat by the roadside.  We only have the snapshot moment of his encounter with Jesus.

But I do know, after I’ve been sitting for a long time (some of us sit for long times at the desk, the computer, the office, the easy chair in front of the TV or at school), I’m ready for something to eat before I step into action.

Bartimaeus had been sitting, then spoke with Jesus, and regained his sight!  When Jesus pronounced his benediction (“good words”) over Bartimaeus, he said “Go”.  But Mark tells us Bartimaeus, with his sight restored, followed Jesus on the way.

That’s precisely what we’re doing!  

We’ve been sitting.  We’ve encountered Jesus in our singing, our praying, our offering and the warm fellowship of other believers (both in this very room, and virtually gathered).  Now it’s time to take in nourishment for our souls, before we step out to follow Jesus on the way.

All are welcome to share in this feast.  It’s not designed to fill our bellies, but to fill our hearts, minds and spirits.  Come!  The table is spread, and there is bread and juice to nourish you as you prepare to follow the one who gives us sight!