Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Proper 9
Galatians 6:(1-6), 7-16
Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
Call to Worship (inspired by Psalm 30)
One: We’ve come together to sing praises to the Lord!
Many: Today we’re eager to give thanks to the Holy One.
One: Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning!
Many: As we worship God, may we be clothed with joy.
One: Let no one stay silent,!
Many: but hear our voices rise up to praise God!
(consider responding to the Call to Worship with CH#23 “Praise, My Soul, the God of Heaven”, especially verse 2 or verse 4, sung by choir or congregation.)
Opening Prayer
High, eternal One, we tune our voices and offer you our praise this morning, eager to celebrate the ways you turn our weeping into joy. Thank you for lifting us up out of the miry bog of discouragement and depression. Infuse us with your Spirit as we worship. Encourage each of us, and all of us, that we might leave this place fully prepared to share your love with a hurting and challenged world. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship (inspired by Galatians 6)
As we in the northern hemisphere move into full summer, we recognize the growing crops in farm fields and home gardens. Paul’s words echo:
“you reap whatever you sow”. We cannot sow corn and expect to reap beans. We cannot sow stinginess and expect to reap generosity.
Rather, when we sow generously with our tithes and offerings, we can expect to reap generosity at harvest time!
Do you know the story of Hattie May Wiatt? In 1886 she lived near a church in Philadelphia where the Sunday School was very crowded. Despite wanting to attend, she could not find a seat. When the minister saw her, he assured her one day they would have buildings big enough to allow every child to attend who wanted to come.
Later, Hattie May Wiatt became sick and died. After the funeral, the girl’s mother told him Hattie May had been saving money to help build a bigger church. She gave him the little purse in which Hattie had saved 57 cents.
That minister turned into gift into 57 pennies, told the congregation the story of Hattie May and sold the pennies for a return of about $250. Some of the members of the church formed the Wiatt Mite Society, dedicated to making Hattie May’s 57 cents grow as much as possible. A house nearby was purchased with the $250 that Hattie May’s 57 cents had produced and the rest is history. The first classes of Temple College, later Temple University, were held in that house. It was later sold to allow Temple College to move and the growth of Temple, along with the founding of the Good Samaritan Hospital (Now the Temple University Hospital) have been powerful testimonies to Hattie May Wiatt’s dream.
Eager to sow, and eager to reap, let us share our tithes, gifts and offerings.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Generous God, thank you for all you provide for us day by day. Receive these gifts and help us transform them into opportunities for generosity as we share Good News here and beyond our congregation. Inspire us to sow well and eagerly anticipate all we will reap in the Life you offer us. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
Many health-focused individuals seek ways to eat wisely. Perhaps you have experienced the positive change in your life when you were able to choose healthy food, good exercise and adequate rest, leading you to sense you had a whole new lease on life.
Paul encouraged the believers in Galatia to recognize the power of a new creation which we experience when we focus on, and become avid followers of, Jesus Christ. He eagerly declares his intention to never boast of anything except the cross, by which the world was crucified to him, and he was crucified to the world.
As we come to this Table, we find simple elements: a tiny piece of bread and a thimble-full of juice. Yet in these gifts, we find a whole new lease on life! We step into the new creation as we claim our identity as disciples (learners) of Jesus Christ.
You are welcome at this Table. May sharing in this feast give you reason to boast: you are a disciple of Jesus!
Come! Take your place, and receive the peace of Christ!