July 2, 2023

Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving

Proper 8A   Pentecost +5

Genesis 22:1-14 

 Psalm 13 

Romans 6:12-23

Matthew 10:40-42

Call to Worship  (inspired by Matthew 10:40-42)
One: Welcome to all gathered, and on line, as we come to worship God.
Many:  With our words and our actions, we extend greetings to all.
One:  Prophets, Righteous, old and young,
                  this is the place to find your reward.
Many:  We’ve come to offer our gifts, and give thanks for all God is doing.
One:  Even a cup of cold water is appreciated!
Many:  So we lift our voices and sing our praise!

(you might use verse 1 of CH#277, “Christians, We Have Met to Worship as the continuation of the call to worship, or invite children who have returned from church camp to share a worship song from camp, like “Sanctuary”.

Opening Prayer 

Ever-present God, we’ve come to praise your name, and to honor you with our time, our talent and our treasure.  Help us steady our hearts, and focus our minds on your presence among us. 
Accept our intentions to worship you alone, for 
you’ve given us power through your Spirit. 
We receive what you offer, and give you our thanks, through Jesus Christ, whose life, death & resurrection we celebrate!  AMEN

Moment for Stewardship  (reflecting on Ps. 13)

For many communities, this is prime vacation time!  Summer, school’s out, weather is warm, and the earth is in full bloom.

And still, we’ve come together on this Lord’s Day morning, to offer our thanksgiving to the Giver of Life. 

Here’s the challenge:
What can we give to the one who has created all that is? 

The Psalmist cried out in lament, and then declared
                I trusted in your steadfast love;
                     my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.
                I will sing to the Lord,
                    (who) has dealt bountifully with me.

Today, trusting in God’s steadfast love, we invite you to share your financial gifts, your prayers of thanksgiving and your voices, as we receive our morning offering.

(Invite the congregation to walk forward, as those with monetary gifts
lay envelopes, checks and/or cash in an offering tray
while the congregation sings CH#379 “Accept, O God, the Gifts We Bring”)

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Ever-giving God, 

thank you for the many ways you continue to encourage and challenge us.   

May your life flow abundantly through us!

Please receive this offering.   

Use it, and use us, to free up the good gifts of life for others.   AMEN

Invitation to Communion  (reflecting on Romans 6:23)

Over years of life, many of us have had reason to ask “what will my wages be?” or “What will I be paid?”  Paul, writing to the Romans, sets out a clear description: “the wages of sin is death,
                   but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

It is THAT free gift which we celebrate each time we come to this table.  Here we touch and taste the gift we’ve been given, as we eat bread and drink a sip of juice.  These emblems symbolize for each of us the gift of LIFE in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

No need to worry about being underpaid, or unpaid. 
Jesus Christ is the strong foundation on which our lives can stand, secure. 

So come, share in this meal of remembrance and thanksgiving.
God is making a WAY for each and for all to step into eternal life which is ours here and now.