June 18. 2023

Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving

Pentecost +3, Proper 6A

Genesis 18:1-15, (21:1-7) 

Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19 

Romans 5:1-8
Matthew 9:35 – 10:8, (9-23)

Call to Worship 
(inspired by Ps. 116)One:  Welcome!  Welcome to  __________ Church, where we love the Lord,
            and join the Psalmist as we call upon our God as long as we live
Many:  We’ve come to give thanks to the One who is abundantly generous!
One:  Together, we offer our gratitude as we sing our praise to God.
Many:  Joyfully we lift our voices,
             offering our worship as servants of the living Lord.
One:  Praise God!
Many:  (sing “Praise Ye the Lord”, perhaps led by church camp youth,
                  or “Thank You, Lord”, CH 531; or “Give Thanks”, CH 528)

Opening Prayer 

Loving God, we turn to you with over-flowing gratitude as we recall the gifts
you’ve given us this last week.  For air and water, earth and sky, thank you!
For the love you pour out, filling us each day so we might share your love with our family, friends, and all we meet.  For positive connections within this congregation, and opportunities we have to grow in wisdom and insight within our faith community.  For the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and the gift of your Spirit to guide us each day.
Accept our gratitude, and fill us once more with the desire to share Good News thru’ our actions and our words.  AMEN

Moment for Stewardship 

In Matthew 10, Jesus gives instructions to the 12 disciples, directing them to cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers and cast out demons.  What a job description! 

Gratefully, we’re not asked to give our lives to those specific tasks.  However, we are invited to be followers of Jesus.  Our work is to show deep compassion for those around us (both near and far), remembering every person as a beloved child of God, and acting accordingly.

We’re encouraged to share not only our time, but our talents and our treasure to help spread the Good News of the gospel, showing the realm of God, coming near.

Such as you have, we invite you to give as we receive our morning offering.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

God of our lives,

We want to be faith-full disciples of Jesus. 
We are eager to let our lives witness to the love in which you’ve created us.
Now we pray you will accept our offering.  And in response, we ask you to work in us.  Help us grow ever more open to sharing what we’ve received from you with a hungry and hurting world.  AMEN

Invitation to Communion 

We come to this table today knowing deep down we are justified by faith.  We are not invited to share this feast because we have all the answers, know all the truth, or always and only act in love.
We’re invited to share this feast because while we are still sinners, Christ died for us.  This is one way we remember.

So come to this table, remembering how Jesus, the Christ, acted in love.
Remember, at this table, how Jesus, the Christ, cared for the broken.
Remember, as you taste the bread the drink the juice, how Jesus, the Christ, continues to live in us and through us, binding us together as parts of the ONE body of Christ at work in the world.

Come!  You are welcome at this feast.
Come!  The body continues to grow as each one says “yes!”