Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Proper 7A, Pentecost +4
Romans 6:1b-11
Matthew 10:24-39
Call to Worship (adapted from Psalm 86, “The Message”)
One: Rejoice! There’s no one quite like the Lord. None can compare!
Many: We come to worship God, who is bighearted to all who ask for help.
One: We’re here to praise the One on whom we count from day into night.
Many: We can count on God!
One: We know the Lord is great,
Many: not only great,
but God’s the ONE, who keeps on doing wondrous things.
Opening Prayer
(if you have capacity to use a screen, you could use the first 2:55 of this video for the opening prayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNJ5Uwg0Fik
Loving, living God,
We do count on you!
Thank you for always and ever tuning your listening ear to our prayers. Thank you for your love, which will never fail.
Thank you for the gifts of this day, this congregation, this time of worship.
Help us turn to you in the good times and the tough times,
for there is NONE like you!
Moment for Stewardship (reflecting on Romans 6:1-11)
Paul’s letter to the Romans lays out a description of what Christ means for each of us who have been buried with Christ in baptism. Alleluia!
We now walk in newness of life, just as Christ was raised up to new life in his resurrection.
What a gift! We are alive to God in Christ Jesus.
In full-hearted gratitude, then, we offer back to God our time, our talent and our treasure.
Joyfully, we bring our financial gifts as one way we of expressing our gratitude.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Mighty God, giver of life and all its goodness,
thank you for the gifts you pour out for each of us, day by day.
Morning by morning, new mercies we see!
Please accept this offering as one symbol of our gratitude and our love.
Give us insight in how we might best use these gifts to share Good News
with those who are fearful and frightened. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
For many of us, baptism is a once-for-all-of-life experience. But this table is a weekly reminder of the death and new life reality of following Jesus. Each time we gather around the table, we remember.
Remember Jesus, sharing his last supper with his closest followers.
Remember Jesus, arrested, given a mock trial, condemned,
carrying his cross, and crucified on Skull Mountain.
Remember Jesus, taken from the cross and laid in a borrowed tomb,
only to be raised up to new, abundant and eternal life by God’s own love.
Here, we remember we who have died with Christ, will also live in Christ!
It’s a victory meal, friends.
Come! All are welcome here. All have a place.
All are invited to remember Jesus as we share in this holy feast.