November 5, 2023

Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving

Pentecost +23

Joshua 3:7-17

Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37

I Thessalonians 2:9-13

Matthew 23:1-12

Call to Worship  (inspired by Psalm 107)

Leader:  This is the day, now is the time.
              We’re in the right place to give thanks to the Lord!                                 People:  We want to give thanks because the Lord’s steadfast love
              keeps on keeping on.
Leader:  Some of us will bear witness; the Lord is our redeemer!                       
People:  Some of us have wandered, hungry and thirsty,
              and it was the Lord who delivered us from our distress.
Leader:  Where have you seen the Lord’s hand providing?
People:   Through gifts of life, and love;
                  through words of care and compassion,
All:       The gifts of the Lord are seen in every time and place
                    thanks be to God!                           

Opening Prayer

With grateful hearts we turn to you, Lord of all creation.
For the beauty of this season, for the abundance of harvest,
   for relationships of love and care, we give you our thanks.
Most of all, we remember how you heard our cries in the midst of our despair.  So let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be a celebration of our gratitude and our love for you in this hour of worship. 

Moment for Stewardship (in response to Matthew 23)    

Years back, a congregation sent out “callers” to visit every family connected to the church.  A team of two long-time members knocked on the door of a large home.  When the door was opened, a jovial man greeted them, and invited them in. 

Once seated in the den, the three exchanged pleasantries, and one of the callers then said, “as you know, we’re in the midst of our annual stewardship campaign.  We’ve come to encourage you to make a commitment to build up the ministries of our church, and support the outreach projects which provide food for the hungry and school supplies for the children in our neighborhood school.  So many of them need help to bring even the basics -crayons, pencils and notebook paper.”

The second caller followed, saying “Our family has committed to a 10 percent increase in our giving for the coming year.  It will mean reducing our spending in other areas, but we’re eager to share God’s love with our neighborhood children.  We can leave a commitment card for you today.”

And the home owner responded, “I appreciate you coming, and am grateful for the work of our church.  I don’t need a card — just sign me up for a 50% increase over my giving this last year!”

The two callers said “thank you!” and stood to leave.  Bidding them “farewell”, the homeowner again declared, “now remember, a 50% increase; let’s do the right thing!”

As the two callers walked outside, the second one pumped his fist in the air, until the first one said, “remember Jesus talking about the Pharisees and scribes?  He told the crowds, and his disciples, ‘do not do as they do, for they do not practice what they teach’.  Let’s just say, this “good guy” has given a big fat ZERO this year.  Adding 50% to that, it’s still ZERO!”

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Merciful God, we offer you these tithes and gifts. 
Accept them as signs of our intention to act as true disciples of Jesus
with our time, our talent and our treasure.
Help inspire each of us, (those who have contributed and those who have not) to have a servant heart, truly acting out what we understand followers are to do.  AMEN

Invitation to Communion

Week by week, followers of Jesus gather around a simple table, set with simple elements:  bread and juice. 

This is not a table set to impress, with fine linens and expensive dishes. Rather, it’s a table set to help us recall how Jesus invited his followers to
“do this, remembering me”.

In the bread, we remember Jesus’ body. 
In the juice, we remember Jesus’ blood. 
In the sharing, we remember we’re part of Jesus’ body.
In the open table, we remember we forego all barriers,
   and extend an invitation to all who would come to the feast.

The table is prepared.

Are you?  With humble hearts and a deep desire to be true disciples, come!