December 3, 2023 (Advent 1)

Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving

Advent 1

Isaiah 64:1-9

Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19

1 Corinthians 1:3-9

Mark 13:24-37

As the season of Advent begins, we begin a new church year, and we ask you to offer a gift of support to the Center for Faith and Giving. Your generosity allows us to provide these and other valuable resources that undergird your work in congregations that enrich communities and communicate the hope of the Gospel.

Make your gift of support here! Thanks!

Consider singing CH #121, “Prepare the Way of the Lord” each Sunday of Advent.  You might have a soloist or choir sing this first Sunday, or practice
before the prelude so everyone could sing along.

Call to Worship  (inspired by Isaiah 64)

We’re glad for this season of active waiting for the Coming One!
Together, we hear Isaiah declare,
         “God works for those who wait for the Holy One.”
“God is the potter.  We are the clay.”  
We are all the work of God’s hand!
So today we steady our hearts and tune our minds to worship God.

Opening Prayer 

God of all time, thank you for this particular time. 
Even as we acknowledge we’re challenged,
    with threats around us and worries within, 
   today we begin this new church year with you.
Help us channel our energies and focus our hearts in this season
     of anticipation and active waiting for Jesus, the Coming One.
We pray with thanksgiving, eager to offer our best to you,    AMEN

Moment for Stewardship  (inspired by Mark 13:32-37)

In the 21st century in America, many of us face seductive scams.  Often it’s senior citizens who receive a phone call, supposedly from a grand-child or one of their friends, asking for money.  Cash is needed to help pay bail, fix a car, or provide transportation from a far-off place.  A surprising number of people do not “keep watch”.  They let down their guard and lose their money to someone who simply disappears.

The details are different, but Mark’s Gospel carries a warning about “keeping watch”.  A man who’s traveling leaves after giving each of his slaves an assignment and cautioning the doorkeeper to be “on watch”.  Jesus urges everyone: “keep alert”, “keep awake”, “don’t be caught sleeping!”

As we begin this season of Advent, these are helpful cautionary words.  In this season, we’re actively waiting (like the wait staff in a restaurant), yet 
we don’t KNOW when Jesus will return. 
No one (not angels, or Jesus, or God) —
NO one knows! 

But we DO have our work assigned.  We’re to be followers, disciples, in step with Jesus, not only here at church, but every place we go.  This Advent, let’s share our time, our talent and our treasure as one way of showing our identity, as we support (name a particular special offering you are receiving)

Together, we are one part of the body of Christ.  As you give today, remember our regular offerings help us share the love of Jesus with the least, the lost, and the lonely.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Holy God, thank you for this opportunity to be AWAKE, ALERT, ADORING believers, acting out our faith through this offering. 
Wake us up from December doldrums and end-of-year exhaustion.  
Empower us to lives of heads-up hospitality and gracious generosity,
     that we might actively wait to see you in our midst,
     like the best servants staying alert for the return of their master.  AMEN

Invitation to Communion 

Parents around the world urge their children to eat a healthy, filling breakfast to be prepared for the day ahead.  Teachers encourage their students to make sure they have a good meal before heading into a day of testing. 

So it also makes sense for Jesus to invite his followers to share a meal before they must face up to the authorities seeking to arrest and kill Jesus.
We tell the story. We break the bread. We pour the cup. We eat and drink.

We come to this table because we comprehend how important it is to eat this bread and drink this cup, in remembrance of Jesus.  What we call a feast is prepared for us – tiny pieces of a loaf, tiny sips of juice.  This meal fills us, prepares us, and places us in the presence of people of faith from all times and all lands.  

All who claim “I am a disciple”, come!  You are welcome at this table.

December 3, 2023

Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving

Advent 1

Isaiah 64:1-9

Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19

1 Corinthians 1:3-9

Mark 13:24-37

Consider singing CH #121, “Prepare the Way of the Lord” each Sunday of Advent.  You might have a soloist or choir sing this first Sunday, or practice
before the prelude so everyone could sing along.

Call to Worship  (inspired by Isaiah 64)

We’re glad for this season of active waiting for the Coming One!
Together, we hear Isaiah declare,
         “God works for those who wait for the Holy One.”
“God is the potter.  We are the clay.”  
We are all the work of God’s hand!
So today we steady our hearts and tune our minds to worship God.

Opening Prayer 

God of all time, thank you for this particular time. 
Even as we acknowledge we’re challenged,
    with threats around us and worries within, 
   today we begin this new church year with you.
Help us channel our energies and focus our hearts in this season
     of anticipation and active waiting for Jesus, the Coming One.
We pray with thanksgiving, eager to offer our best to you,    AMEN

Moment for Stewardship  (inspired by Mark 13:32-37)

In the 21st century in America, many of us face seductive scams.  Often it’s senior citizens who receive a phone call, supposedly from a grand-child or one of their friends, asking for money.  Cash is needed to help pay bail, fix a car, or provide transportation from a far-off place.  A surprising number of people do not “keep watch”.  They let down their guard and lose their money to someone who simply disappears.

The details are different, but Mark’s Gospel carries a warning about “keeping watch”.  A man who’s traveling leaves after giving each of his slaves an assignment and cautioning the doorkeeper to be “on watch”.  Jesus urges everyone: “keep alert”, “keep awake”, “don’t be caught sleeping!”

As we begin this season of Advent, these are helpful cautionary words.  In this season, we’re actively waiting (like the wait staff in a restaurant), yet 
we don’t KNOW when Jesus will return. 
No one (not angels, or Jesus, or God) —
NO one knows! 

But we DO have our work assigned.  We’re to be followers, disciples, in step with Jesus, not only here at church, but every place we go.  This Advent, let’s share our time, our talent and our treasure as one way of showing our identity, as we support (name a particular special offering you are receiving)

Together, we are one part of the body of Christ.  As you give today, remember our regular offerings help us share the love of Jesus with the least, the lost, and the lonely.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Holy God, thank you for this opportunity to be AWAKE, ALERT, ADORING believers, acting out our faith through this offering. 
Wake us up from December doldrums and end-of-year exhaustion.  
Empower us to lives of heads-up hospitality and gracious generosity,
     that we might actively wait to see you in our midst,
     like the best servants staying alert for the return of their master.  AMEN

Invitation to Communion 

Parents around the world urge their children to eat a healthy, filling breakfast to be prepared for the day ahead.  Teachers encourage their students to make sure they have a good meal before heading into a day of testing. 

So it also makes sense for Jesus to invite his followers to share a meal before they must face up to the authorities seeking to arrest and kill Jesus.
We tell the story. We break the bread. We pour the cup. We eat and drink.

We come to this table because we comprehend how important it is to eat this bread and drink this cup, in remembrance of Jesus.  What we call a feast is prepared for us – tiny pieces of a loaf, tiny sips of juice.  This meal fills us, prepares us, and places us in the presence of people of faith from all times and all lands.  

All who claim “I am a disciple”, come!  You are welcome at this table.