Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
First Sunday after Christmas Day
Isaiah 61:10 – 62:3
Psalm 148
Galatians 4:4-7
Luke 2:22-40
Call to Worship (inspired by Luke 2)
One: Gathered on this Sunday-between, we meet up with Simeon and Anna.
Many: We’re here after all the joy and uproar,
and all the loneliness,
and all the memories of Christmases past.
One: We’re here to claim the light and the glory of Jesus,
Many: born in our hearts once more, to be a blessing for each and for all.
One: So we can step from this year to the next, praising God!
Many: Praise God! May we breathe in God’s peace,
like a sleepy child breathing in the presence of a loving parent!
Opening Prayer
Loving God, after all the commotion for some of us,
and all the challenges for some of us,
we come to steady our lives in the presence of this community of faith.
Thank you for your steadfast love which binds us together
and will not let us go.
Bless each of us, and all of your whole creation, so together we might live
with an awareness of your presence, gratitude for the gift of your son,
and a yearning to stay centered in your Spirit as we begin a new year.
Moment for Stewardship
Luke writes of the encounter between Simeon, Joseph, Mary and the infant Jesus. From the description, we can imagine Simeon as a man of wisdom, spiritual depth and a deep sense of being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Can you call to mind anyone (male or female) who you would describe in that way?
(If you can sketch a word picture of someone in your own life, do that. Otherwise, use this:
Mary was an 85 year old woman, who had lived in challenging
circumstances for much of her life. Abused by her first husband,
she took their four children and left. Having no bank account, she
turned to the church for spiritual and financial support.
Mary began a prayer group at the church. She became the leader
as she honestly and lovingly both shared her story
and listened to the life stories of the others in the group.
Over the years, Mary was recognized as a wise woman, with deep
faith, and a confidence about God’s presence in her life.
When she knew her life was coming to an end, she called in her
minister and said, “From the lowest point of my life to today,
I’ve tried to honor God with my words, my actions, and my
treasure. I’m ready to see Jesus, and I want his church to have
this house when I no longer need it.
Just as Simeon blessed the infant Jesus, so Mary blessed the church of Jesus Christ.)
What about you? As we come to the end of one calendar year, and prepare to begin 2024, how will you join in with Simeon, and with ____, to bless the church of Jesus Christ? May you do so as we receive our morning offering, and as you wrap up your giving for 2023!
Prayer of Thanksgiving
God of all good gifts, thank you for the gift of Jesus. Thank you for the story of Simeon, and for those we’ve called to mind as strong people of faith. Receive these gifts and offerings of the symbols of our lives. Inspire each of us to become a blessing, demonstrating our love for you and for the body of Christ we know as the church. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
Friends, it’s been a season of feasting for many of us! Yet none of our carefully prepared meals, our buffet tables, or our eating-out meals can provide for us what we find at this table.
The bread and juice here help us become time travellers; returning to that Upper Room from 2000+ years ago, and anticipating a feast with a great cloud of witnesses. You are invited to participate,
to time-travel, and
to give thanks for all that is before us.
At the table of Christ, there is a place for you.
So come. Turn away from all that seeks to distract you.
Turn back to the One who created you.
Turn once more to be a follower of Jesus the Christ.