Worship Resources for the
Center for Faith and Giving
Transfiguration Sunday
2 Kings 2:1-12
Psalm 50:1-6
2 Corinthians 4:3-6
Mark 9:2-9
Call to Worship (adapted from Psalm 50)
One: Today, God shines forth!
Many: Our God comes and will not keep silent!
One: “Gather, you faithful ones. You’re my covenant partners!”
Many: We’ve come, in person or on-line,
ready to stand together in the light of God’s presence.
One: Even the heavens declare
“God, in all places; God, worthy of our praise!”
Many: Speak, Gracious God! We’re ready to hear your truth.
Opening Prayer
Before we pray,
I invite you to open your hands (as tho’ you’re ready to receive a gift),
open your ears (as tho’ you’re eager to hear God’s word),
open your lungs (breathe in, hold, and then breathe out, 3 times.)
Let us pray: God, we’ve gathered. We’re listening. We’re eager for you
to transfigure, to transform, US by your presence in our midst.
Open us to your way of touching us,
as we actively WAIT for your word. (silence…)
Grateful for YOU and your shining light luring us on,
we offer you our praise! AMEN
Moment for Stewardship
Peter, James and John were with Jesus on a mountain top (higher was believed to be closer to God) when Jesus was joined by the long-dead Moses and Elijah (transmitter of the Law, and one of the major prophets).
Peter, even though he was terrified by this visitation, wanted to give something special to Jesus. His offer was to create 3 tents/dwellings.
As followers of Jesus, we want to give something special to Jesus, as well. What can we give?
We can take the symbols of our lives – portions of the income we have from our allowance, our work, our inheritance, Social Security or pension…
and offer those symbols through our morning offering.
When we present these gifts, we act out presenting our life, itself. How aware are we? Do we grasp how this fleeting life comes as a gift from God? Returning a portion of our lives to the work of this congregation is one way both our church and we, too, are transfigured!
Let your light shine today as you make your offering.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
God of all good gifts,
We could remember the giants of the past, or serve the little ones of today; we could build grand facilities, or restore neighbors;
we could stay on mountaintops,
or go into the valleys of loneliness with our arms full of grace.
May our lives and gifts we offer today be used to increase your work of justice, light, and hope,
we pray. Amen.
(adapted from Thom M. Shuman, https://lectionaryliturgies.blogspot.com/search?q=Transfiguration+B)
Invitation to Communion
This is the last Sunday we’ll gather for communion before the beginning of Lent. It’s a transition moment between seeing Jesus manifested (Epiphany) and remembering Jesus betrayed and crucified (the Passion).
Today we’re celebrating God’s “overshadowing” (first at Jesus’ baptism and now on the mountain of Transfiguration). Today brings us together with Peter, James and John.
Some of us may be terrified at the Light.
Some of us may want to linger on the mountain-top.
Some of us yearn for any possible way to join those disciples and the company of Jesus, Moses and Elijah.
Come! For here we see gifts of God’s love in the form of bread and juice.
Here, we have signs and symbols of God’s love made real through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
Here, we’re invited to be part of “the beloved community”, where all are welcome.