Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Easter 2B
Psalm 133
1 John 1:1 – 2:2
John 20:19-31
Call to Worship (inspired by John 20)
If you have a soloist or choir, have them teach “Jesus, Stand Among Us”
(CH 283) for a choral call to worship.
L: Just after Jesus had been raised up into new life
P: he appeared to the disciples, saying:
L: “Peace be with you!”
P: Whether we are disciples like Peter or like Thomas,
L: Jesus still seeks all who hear and believe the Good News.
P: Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.
All: So we gather to worship the Lord our God,
who brings us to new life in Jesus Christ.
Opening Prayer
Life-giving God, thank you for the ways you continue to bring life out of death. We praise you for raising Jesus, for giving us your Spirit, and for
walking with us in the good times and the tough times.
Just as Thomas came to recognize Jesus, help us see Jesus in those around us. Give us loving hearts and open hands, so the Christ in each of us might
respond to the Christ we recognize in each person we encounter. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship
The just-resurrected Jesus appeared to his disciples, showing up in a room behind locked doors. He stood among them, greeting them with “Peace be
with you.”
John tells us Jesus breathed on the disciples and invited them to receive the Holy Spirit. We don’t really know the specifics, yet I imagine this as a
terrific gift, empowering the disciples to act as Jesus had acted.
Nearly 2000 years later, we read the stories and hear the testimonies of those whose lives have been completely changed because they’ve come to
understand they, too, have received God’s Spirit. Empowered believers
share their gifts, operating as “the hands and feet” of Jesus.
We see that in our own congregation …(name one or two folks whose lives have been a true gift for this part of the body of Christ).
And what about you? How are you sharing the gift of God’s Spirit?
It may be in the financial support you offer.
It may be in the ways you use your time to feed the hungry, clothe those who need clothing, or advocate for those who are struggling.
It may be in sharing your talent as a cook, a coordinator, a custodian.
In this offering time, we invite you to share as you are able.
May the peace of Christ be with you as you offer money, time and talent.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Good and gracious God, thank you for this opportunity to remember Jesus giving your Spirit to the disciples.
Thank you, not only for our ability to give gifts, but for all who actually GIVE to support and lift up the life of this congregation and our varied ministries.
Help us use each gift to the max, filled with gratitude. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
In John’s Gospel it took Thomas actually seeing the resurrected Jesus for him to believe such an extraordinary fact. Two millennia later, we don’t actually see Jesus with his damaged hands and side, but we have the gifts
of bread and cup.
In these elements we recognize Jesus in the bread which is broken and the cup which is poured out. We remember the way Jesus instituted this meal
on the night just before he was betrayed, arrested and condemned to be crucified.
Just as Thomas recognized Jesus, standing before him, so we are invited to
recognize the presence of our Messiah, our Christ, as we share this meal.
I invite you to take a moment when you’re holding the cup.
Look deep into the liquid.
Give thanks as you recognize the resurrected Jesus in this cup poured out for you.
All are invited to participate in this meal of remembrance and thanksgiving!