Bruce Barkhauer to Retire


Rev. Bruce Barkhauer, Minister for Faith and Giving and Executive Director of the Center for Faith and Giving (CFG), has shared his intention to retire from the CFG. Bruce’s intended date of retirement is August 31, 2024.

Bruce has served in this role since the inception of the CFG in 2010. Under his leadership, the CFG has worked to fulfill its mission “to create a culture of generosity across the life of the whole church.” Bruce has effectively engaged the church at large in conversations around generosity and helped us think more broadly about stewardship.

He writes:

To the Church I so deeply love,

I want to thank you for the great privilege I have had to serve as Executive Director of the Center for Faith and Giving. This work has been a real joy and the most fulfilling in my service to the church. My travels have provided me with the opportunity to see the church in ways I never imagined it existed. That has been part of the gift – to witness faithfulness, vibrancy, hospitality, and deep commitment to the gospel being lived “out loud” in so many fresh ways across cultures and geography. Our people are indeed generous. 

I cherish the rich relationships that have been forged across all expressions of the church, and I have great hope for our future because of the quality of leadership I have seen in congregations, regions, and general ministries. There are people in every place bearing faithful witness to our “Disciple” way of responding to the grace, call, and provision of God.

For all of us, I pray that we will learn to better know our “why” for ministry and grow in our ability to clearly articulate “why it matters.” This changes everything. If this becomes our focus, we no longer have to think about asking for money to pay the bills but instead can invite people into finding their own place in living the vision God has given us and making it a reality.

We cannot do this work without others, and I am grateful to many people, but especially to my wife, Laura, who has been my encourager, my accountability partner, and who has allowed me to follow this strange and wondrous calling – even when it often took me far from home. It has been an amazing journey. 

There comes a time to pass the mantel of leadership on to those most ready and gifted to receive it – and this is my time to engage in that sacred act. I will retire at the end of this summer with a full heart. Keep the Center for Faith and Giving and the Board of Stewards in your prayers as they call the next Minister for Faith and Giving. 

With much gratitude,


A Search Committee has begun their work and will soon be posting the position as they anticipate calling the next Minister of Faith and Giving and Executive Director of the CFG.

“We have so appreciated the ways Bruce has invested himself in inviting us into a faithful understanding of stewardship, and we are looking forward to the ways this ministry will continue to grow and impact the church under new leadership,” said Rev. Jill Cameron Michel, CFG Search Committee Chair.

“We are so grateful for Bruce’s leadership in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ),” said Rev. Tanya J. Tyler,Chair of the Board of Stewards for the CFG. “His enthusiasm and dedication to the CFG is inspiring. We wish him well in his retirement and the next adventure God has in store for him.”