March 24, 2024 (Passion/Palm Sunday)

Worship Resources for 
the Center for Faith and Giving

Palm Sunday

Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29

Mark 11:1-11 

Call to Worship  

L: Humble and riding on a donkey,
P:  we greet this teacher.
L: Acclaimed by crowds and caroled by children,
P:  we cheer this leader.
L: moving from the peace of the countryside to the corridors of power,
P:  we salute this truth-teller.
ALL:  HOSANNA!  Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!(adapted from the Church of Scotland, 1994)

Opening Prayer  

Holy God, open our ears, our eyes and our hearts today as we re-tell the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem.  We yearn to feel the excitement, the wonder and the expectation of those who greeted him with shouts of “Hosanna!”  
Walk with us in this hour, as we welcome, 
                                      as we remember Jesus in the Upper Room, 
                                      and as we lean into the betrayal, the trial, and the 
                                        fear of those wondering what was to come.
In every moment, help us recognize your presence with us.  AMEN

If you’re reading Mark 11:1-11 as your morning scripture reading, invite the congregation to participate:
All:  Hosanna!
Women:  Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!
Men:  Blessed is the coming realm of our ancestor David!
All:  Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

Moment for Stewardship  

It’s not just good manners (tho’ there is that), but when we stop to recognize the amazing gift of Jesus, one who fully embodied God’s love,
our natural response is gratitude.

We symbolize our gratitude with our offerings today.  Your financial gifts help support this congregation, our outreach missions, & the larger life of the church.

Our Easter special day offering includes support for all the general ministries of Disciples, including support for volunteers going on mission trips, students being ordained, our overseas ministries, Worship and Wonder resources, youth intern positions.  Your generous contribution to our Easter offering will help strengthen the whole of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Prayer of Thanksgiving

God, you give us life and strength.  In Jesus Christ you give us a savior, who comes to save us from our sins and from our fears.

So today we bring these gifts as one response to such amazing love.  Please receive them as symbols of our lives, showing our love for you and for Christ’s body, the Church.  Keep us mindful of the saving power Jesus holds as we step into this holy week.  AMEN  

Invitation to Communion  

Jesus spent lots of time around tables, with friends and with the disciples.

In the last days of his life, just after he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, he got up from the table in an upper room to wash his disciples’ feet.  

At dinner he told the disciples he knew one of them was his betrayer.

Yet, the meal continued.

Jesus did not send the betrayer away…
nor did he push away those who would soon desert him.

Instead, he made a new covenant with these followers, pouring the cup of forgiveness and sharing with each one gathered there.

Here, now, you can claim that forgiveness for yourself, and find encouragement to forgive others, even as God has already forgiven you.

Come, for the table is prepared, and all are invited to join in the company of Jesus.