February 10, 2013

Liturgical Resources from The Jubilee Fund
For Sunday February 10, 2013
Year C, Transfiguration Sunday
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany (Transfiguration Sunday) :: Green :: Exodus 34:29-35  :: Psalm 99 :: II Corinthians 3:12-4:2 :: Luke 9:28-36

Call to Worship (Responsive)  
Adapted from Psalm 99
L: The LORD reigns;
P: Let the people tremble.
L: The LORD is great in Zion;
P: and shall be exalted over the people.
L: Let the people praise your great and awesome name
P: Holy is the LORD!
L: Worship the LORD our God,
P: For the LORD our God is Holy.
Speak to us O God, as though we were on your Holy Mountain.  Speak to us in this time of worship today, and change us.  We have come into this place not only for communion and community, but to hear your life changing word.  Move powerfully on this day of days; and as we leave here, send us out with the glow of your transforming power, that others may see your glory.
Stewardship Moment:
NOTE::::::  Today’s moment requires some acting and preparation – if you read this unprepared, you will find yourself in trouble at the end!!! ::::::::
Have you ever been frustrated because no one seems able to do a job to your satisfaction? The way you do it, or worse, the way your Mother-in-Law does it? You may have tried and tried to teach someone (or learn) the “right” way and it just doesn’t seem to take.  Jesus experienced some of that frustration as he came down from a mountaintop experience.  Even so, he continued to model what was to be done: the right way.  When we get to the time in worship where we are bringing our tithes and offerings, we know the right way – [smile broadly] “Thank you God for all you have given me, I’m so blessed to be able to return a portion of your abundant blessings to me.” [place an offering envelope] But it never hurts to keep modeling it to each other until everyone is able to join in.  We will now receive our responses to God’s abundant gifts.
Offertory Prayer:
Help us, O God, to see the abundance with which you have blessed us.  Even the poorest among us is rich by world standards.  Let us never forget.  Likewise, O God, as we bring these gifts before you, increase our awareness of your multiplying power.  Use these gifts to increase your reign.  Increase our willingness to share in abundant gratitude.  We offer these gifts and our prayers in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Communion Meditation:
In Paul’s second letter to the church at Corinth, he talks about Moses’ need to wear a veil before the Israelites because of his transformed “glow” after the Sinai encounter with God.  He then says “but when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.  Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  Come to the table of freedom: freedom from veiled understanding of God and freedom from sin.  Here is where we turn to the Lord.  Here at this table, we are set free. 
All material copyright 2013 The Jubilee Fund, Inc., and appears on this site via a partnership agreement with the Center for Faith and Giving.  Permission granted to reproduce and use any of the above for Churches and Congregations to the glory of God without requirement of compensation or notification.
