Sunday November 22, 2015
Year B, Twenty-sixth Sunday After Pentecost :: Green
Daniel 7:9-14 :: Psalm 93 :: Revelation 1:4b-8 :: John 18:33-37
Editor’s Note: This set of resources marks the end of the Season after Pentecost and the End of Year “B” in the lectionary cycle. It is traditionally referred to as “Christ the King” Sunday, and celebrates the majesty of our Lord before we enter the cycle of newness of life, and the coming of our Lord. In US churches, it is also “Thanksgiving Sunday”. Please note the variation this week is not in the Stewardship Moment, but in the Communion Meditation.
Call to Worship (Responsive)
Adapted from Psalm 93
L: The LORD reigns.
P: The LORD is robed in majesty and girded with strength.
L: The LORD has established the world;
P: It shall never be moved.
L: The throne of the LORD is established from of old;
P: The LORD is everlasting.
L: The LORD’s decrees are very sure;
P: Holiness befits your house, O LORD, forevermore.
We bow before your throne, O LORD of majesty and grace. We come into your holy place, surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. As we seek to worship you in truth, we ask your blessing. Help us to know your truth, help us to claim your grace, help us to acknowledge you fully as LORD of our lives. Surround us by awareness of your presence, O God, and grant us your peace.
Stewardship Moment:
Today is a day we set aside in the Christian Calendar as a time of transition. We are moving from regular time, and preparing for Advent. Next week the colors and songs will change as we usher in the secular “season of giving.” Yet in the Christian calendar there is no such season. Every season is a season of giving. Let us now bring our tithes and offerings, in recognition that we serve a God, whose giving knows no calendar and no end.
Offertory Prayer:
O great and mighty Ruler of the Universe, we come before you with our gifts, humble though they may be. We ask your blessing on them, that they may used to further your reign. That the world might one day feel and know with certainty your love and majesty. Amen.
Communion Meditation (Canadian Congregations):
Today is one of those Sundays that is both no longer and not yet. We are no longer celebrating the festivals of autumn, yet we are not yet into the preparation for Christmas. It is a good day then, to be around this table, for it too is a table of no longer and not yet. Through this table; Christ’s table, we are no longer slaves to sin and death; and yet, at this table we recall that we are not yet living fully in the reign of God. As the Apostle teaches us in Corinthians “When we eat of this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”
Communion Meditation (US Congregations):
In this season of Thanksgiving, it seems almost natural that our gatherings should be gatherings around a table. Whether your Thursday will be a large gathering of family, or a more simple affair, this table always hosts a great gathering. Here the table is crowded, and the feast is plentiful. Here at this table, the menu is repentance and grace, and there is always plenty to go around.
All material copyright 2015 The Jubilee Fund, Inc., and used on this site via a partnership agreement with the Center for Faith and Giving. Permission granted to reproduce and use any of the above for Churches and Congregations to the glory of God without requirement of compensation or notification.