December 6, 2015

Sunday December 6, 2015

Year C, Second Sunday of Advent :: Violet ::

Malachi 3:1-4  :: Luke 1:68-79 :: Philippians 1:3-11 :: Luke 3:1-6

Call to Worship (Responsive):   

Adapted from Luke 1:68-79

L: Blessed be the Lord God,

P: For God has looked favorably on the people and redeemed them.

L: God has raised up a savior for us;

P: In the house of David.

L: By the tender mercy of God, the dawn will break upon us,

P: To give light to those who sit in darkness,

L: And to guide our feet into the way of peace.

P: Blessed be the Lord!



God of Peace, Hope, Joy and Love, we have gathered again to revel in your presence, creating for you a temple of gathered faithful souls.  We come because we have heard the voices of the prophets, and find them resonating in our hearts again.  We come seeking the cleansing breath of your Spirit, refining and making our offerings of praise and worship worthy and righteous.  We come seeking to grow.  Grant us your wisdom, grant us your peace.  Hear our prayers and petitions and renew our spirits in the Name of the one whom you sent and whose renewed arrival we anticipate, Christ the Lord.


Stewardship Moment:

Prepare the way of the Lord! Make the paths straight.  We know the call of the one in the wilderness, but how do we do it today? One of the ways we make the Paths to Christ easier is through our shared ministries like Church Camp.  We know that lives are changed at camp:  In the wilderness.  One of the ways we can support those path straightening ministries is through the Christmas Special Offering.  This offering goes directly to the work of our Region, and its many cooperative ministries.  As we bring our gifts for God’s work, please consider making a special offering to our shared ministries which do make the paths straight for many.   We will now receive the gifts which make these ministries possible.


Offertory Prayer:

God of peace, we come today bringing our gifts, and dedicating them to your service.  Bless these gifts and use them to serve the needs of the many that need a straighter path to you and your love.  We bring them with joy in our hearts and songs of hope and praise on our lips.  Amen.

Communion Meditation:

The Apostle Paul greets the Christians at Phillipi with the reminder: “I thank God every time I remember you . . .  because of your sharing in the Gospel from the first day until now.”  When we come together around the Table of the Lord, I think of all of those who worked tirelessly to allow us to share the Gospel here at this table.  I find myself thankful for each and every one.  As we come around this table, let us do so in a spirit of thanksgiving, for all who sacrificed to lead us to this day: especially the one whose ultimate sacrifice gives this table meaning.



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