January 13, 2019
Center for Faith and Giving worship resources
Baptism of the Lord
Isaiah 43:1-7
Psalm 29
Acts 8:14-17
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
The second Sunday of the year helps us focus on Jesus’ baptism.
Call to Worship
One: As we come to worship God, rejoice! God is creating and forming us
Many: God is redeeming us, and calling us by name!
One: Thanks be to God, who promises to be with us,
Many: for God is the Lord, our Savior!
One: God claims us, and loves us!
Many: All who are called by God’s name,
One: and created for God’s glory,
All: let us join together to worship, without fear!
Opening prayer
God of New Life,
We remember how you claimed your Beloved when the waters of baptism were still flowing down from Jesus.
Thank you for claiming us in our baptism, and for this time of remembrance
and anticipation.
Help us keep covenant with you and with this faith community,
claiming Christ in our words and our deeds,
as we step into this new year. AMEN
Stewardship Moment
There is an old joke about the man who wanted to be immersed, declaring he was eager to follow Jesus. However, when the time came, he asked the minister to allow him to hold his wallet out of the water, saying “I’m sure I want my body baptized, but not so sure about my finances!”
What about you? As we step into a new year, are you eager to allow your life and your wallet to speak clearly of the faith you have within you? Are your actions and your finances in line with your desire to follow Jesus?
It isn’t always about money, but it is about orientation! Consider what you can offer today, and this week, to demonstrate you are named and claimed by God.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Loving God, we’re grateful for the ways you continue to name and claim each one of us. Renew in each of us the delight of our baptism, and the joy of knowing we’re following Jesus.
Thank you for this opportunity to share some of the resources you’ve given us. Now put this offering to work – stretching it to make possible the ministries to which you’ve called each one of us and this community of faith.
We give you our thanks,
Invitation to Communion
Many of us have engaged in a whirlwind of activities over the last month:
Advent outreach, Christmas gatherings, candlelight and carols, the end of one calendar year and the beginning of another. (name the realities of your setting)
In the midst of these joys and challenges, this table stands as a solid and steady reminder of God’s Beloved. It is here we see most clearly the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, in symbols of bread and cup. When fancy foods and flashy favors are put aside, we’re called back, seeing God’s love shine in January’s ordinary-ness.
So come to this table, where you are welcomed.
Hear the invitation: “take, eat and be comforted!”
Receive these gifts, and know you, too, are God’s beloved!