Worship Resources for Pentecost VIII
Call to Worship
One: Friends, we’re here to seek God! The Lord of hosts is in this house!
Many: We’ve come, like King David, to worship God with all our might.
One: Let us dance our joy! (dance a step or two, and raise your hands!)
Many: The Lord of hosts is here with us,
One: so let’s celebrate, with joyful hearts;
Many: Welcome Lord! We worship the Lord of all creation!
Opening Prayer
God of all creation,
everything you have made lifts its unique voice to praise you!
Your glory shines in all places.
Even as we worship here,
we join our voices to the one true song which the morning stars began,
the song King David danced,
Glory to you, Holy God! Glory!
Let this hour of worship be filled with our praise of your glory. Amen. (adapted from https://www.ministrymatters.com/all/entry/6147/worship-elements-july-15-2018)
Moment for Stewardship
One of the amazing realities of adoption is the legal ruling (in many states) that adopted children and biological children are equal inheritors under the law.
This is good news for each of us, for we’ve been adopted as God’s children!
The Psalmist reminds us:
“the earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it.” (Ps. 24:1)
The author of Ephesians writes: God “has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing.” (Eph. 1:3b). We ALL receive redemption, forgiveness, and an inheritance of God’s Spirit.
With an inheritance like that, how can we not eagerly share, with open hands, the resources which we’ve been given?
With glad hearts, let us offer signs and symbols of our rich inheritance back to the God from whom we have received these gifts.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
God of all life,
We pray you will accept these gifts:
inherited from you and returned to help accomplish your will in the world.
Receive not only this treasure, but also our time and our talents.
Bless all who have given.
Use this offering and use us, to build up your Realm here on earth,
as it is in heaven.
Invitation to Communion
Written to the church in Ephesus, we hear God’s “plan for the fullness of time, to gather up all things…in heaven and on earth.”
Where else can we better see that plan in living color than right here, at the Lord’s Table? This is the place where we’re most clearly gathered with believers from all time and all places.
So here is our opportunity to demonstrate our identity.
Gather up!
All who set their hope in Christ are welcome here.
All who seek to be redeemed as God’s own people are welcome here.
All who, in some way, know the seal of the Holy Spirit, come!
Find your place at the table,
where there’s room for every one!
(If you have someone who can play/sing this, or have a way to use this music video, try Carrie Newcomer’s “Room at the Table” as communion music.)