Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
As we enter the season of Thanksgiving and the end of both the church and calendar years, would you consider making a gift to the Center for Faith and Giving for our ability to continue to provide you with these worship resources in the coming year? We are grateful for your generosity.
The Realm of Christ
(last Sunday of the church year)
(Thanksgiving Sunday in the USA)
Psalm 46
Colossians 1:11-20
Luke 23:33-43
Call to Worship (inspired by Psalm 46, The Message)
Leader: We’ve come to worship God,
who is ready to help when needed.
People: We can stand fearless at the cliff-edge of doom,
courageous in seastorm and earthquake,
Leader: knowing God fights for us. This God-of-Angel-Armies protects us.
People: We look to see the marvels of God!
Leader: Take a long, loving look at our High God,
above politics, above everything.
People: Rejoice, for our God fights for us.
The God-of-Angel-Armies protects us!
(Consider using “Let All Things Now Living”, CH #717, as an opening hymn,
which picks up images from Psalm 46 and fits a thanksgiving theme.)
Opening Prayer
Protecting God, we gather today to mark this day as a time of worship. In gratitude, we acknowledge you: One who cares for each of us while also caring for every part of all your cosmos.
Help us tune our minds to you, blocking out all other cares, concerns and challenges. Let our hearts be full of praise and gratitude as we pray, sing, learn, and share at the Table. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship
In the USA, this is Thanksgiving week. For many people, it’s a time of coming together with family (biological, adoptive, and “chosen”) and/or friends to share in a feast and give thanks for the gifts of our lives.
On this first day of the week, how fitting to recognize, in this moment, we’re both supporting this congregation and coming together with family (biological, adoptive and “chosen”), offering God our finances, time and talent.
[In addition, our special Thanksgiving offering is designated for _________________.
Your generous contribution will __________________________________.]
The Giver of life, the God-of-Angel-Armies, the Creator… whatever name or title you find most fitting…meets us here as we express our thanks and present our gifts!
We joy-filled hearts, let us offer God a portion of all we have received.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Loving God, please touch these gifts, and the givers, with your hand of blessing. Multiply these finances, allowing us to accomplish life-giving ministry with each dollar.
Help us continue to grow our attitude of gratitude and our desire to be generous givers, even as we seek to follow Jesus, whom we know as the Christ. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
Do you remember a deep sense of connection when you gathered around a Thanksgiving table, surrounded by people who loved you?
At our best, that’s what happens week by week at this Table. We may come from different ages, gender-identities, family configurations – but we are all known as people of faith when we meet here. At this feast, all who belong to God and seek to follow Jesus Christ find a place, connected with our host and with one another.
On this last Sunday of the church year, Jesus invites YOU
to join in remembering him,
and to anticipate a world in which the resurrected Christ is Ruler!
So come! The table is spread and the time is now.