December 25, 2022 (Christmas Day)

Worship Resources for 
the Center for Faith and Giving

Christmas Day

 Isaiah 62:6-12

Psalm 98

Hebrews 1:1-4, (5-12)

 John 1:1-14

Call to Worship  (adapted from Psalm 98)
One:  Make a joyful noise to the Lord!
Many:  We’re ready to break into joyous song and sing praises.
One:  Not only people, but the sea, and all that fills it;
              let the floods clap their hands and the hills sing together.
Many:  We sing a new song to the Lord, who has done marvelous things!
One:  God’s love made visible!  

Use CH#171  God’s Love Made Visible as your joyous new song!

Opening Prayer  

Ever-loving God, we rejoice in the way your love is made visible in the birth of Jesus!  After all the preparation, the Christ Child is born once more into our hearts.  As we welcome this baby, renew our desire to follow your Beloved One into the highways and by-ways of each new day.  AMEN

Moment for Stewardship  (inspired by John 1)

John’s Gospel opens with poetic words, familiar to many of us.  

What does this mean: 
          “the Word became flesh…and we have seen his glory”?  

We see, in Jesus, the love of God in human form.  

When we see God’s generosity, sharing Jesus with the world, we know in our own spirit the desire to follow it. 

So, today, our joy in the birth of Jesus and our gratitude for the gift of his life, gives us incentive to reflect that joy and gratitude in our own giving.

On this last Sunday of 2022, know your giving will allow us to _____________ (be specific!).  And, it will encourage you to celebrate Jesus’ birthday with generosity and gratitude.

Let us share our Christmas Day gifts, giving thanks for the Word made flesh.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Generous God,

Thank you for the abundance of gifts you provide to each of your beloved children.  Today please receive this offering as one way we show our love for you after seeing the glory of your Word made flesh.  AMEN

Invitation to Communion  

In a Christmas season of loading the tables with well-loved foods, we come to this Table, set with simple bread and sips of juice.  Yet in this sharing, we recognize the amazing gift Jesus gave us – and all his disciples – in an Upper Room long ago.  

You are invited to feast on these gifts, and on the knowledge of God’s love made visible in Jesus.  There is a place for everyone.  

Come!  Fill your minds and hearts with these emblems of life, poured out for you.