April 16, 2023

Worship Resources for 
the Center for Faith and Giving

Easter +1

Acts 2:14a, 22-32

Psalm 16

1 Peter 1:3-9

John 20:19-31

Call to Worship  (inspired by Psalm 16)
One:  From work and vacation, 
          from Easter candy highs to ordinary meals,
          from tax exhaustion to rebate anticipation,
Many: we come to worship God, who brings us to full life!
One:  From sit-down boredom and from rapid running,
Many: we come to worship God, 
          our choice in this life and our hope for life-beyond.             
One:  From confusion and dismay as well as from clarity and delight,
Many: we come to worship the Lord our God, who raised Jesus to LIFE,
           who shows us a goodly path, and in whose presence we find joy.

Opening Prayer  

Resurrecting God, we stand before you today, 
  grateful for the ways you raise us up to abundant life.
Gathered in this place, we offer you our praise. 
We pour out our gratitude 
  for the marvelous gifts we receive from your hand.
Receive our thanks, 
  wrapped in song, prayer, the proclamation of Good News, 
  and our feast at Christ’s Table.
Then send us forth to share your life-giving love with all we meet.  AMEN

Moment for Stewardship  

In some congregations, this first Sunday after Easter is known as “holy humor” Sunday, celebrating with jokes, funny stories and gratitude for the biggest joke of all, played out in the face of those who sent Jesus to the cross, when God raised Jesus from the dead!

So I want to share a story of how two mice played a joke on a cat.  

Two mice out for a stroll when they were surprised by a cat.

Just as the cat prepared to pounce on his breakfast, one of the mice barked.

The barking so startled the cat, he turned and fled.

The mouse who barked turned to her companion and said,

“In times like these, it is always nice to know a second language.”

Now, I believe most of us know two languages.  Yes, really!  The first is the language of possessiveness, and the second is the language of generosity.

Our first language emerges early, when we learn to say “MINE!”  It may be at home, at Sunday School, or in kindergarten, but often by the time a child is 3,4, or 5, “MINE” is a favorite word.

Our second language may also emerge in childhood.  It often comes when we’re encouraged to share our toys, our books, our clothes or our food.  Often, when we manage to share, we get LOTS of affirmation!

In the church, we continue to delight in the times we hear others (or hear our own language) offer to share time, responsibility, and money.  Recently, I heard _____________________ (describe a moment when you heard someone offer to share).

Today, we’re ALL invited to practice our second language, sharing what God has graciously provided for us.  Let us offer our morning tithes and gifts.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Giver of Life,

You’ve raised us up to new life through our baptisms into Christ.  
You’ve given us all that we have, 
   and called us to be stewards of your many graces.
So we ask you to accept these gifts offered today.  Help us put to wise use all that has been given, seeking to transform this money into shared blessings for the least and the lost, both here and to the ends of the earth. 

Invitation to Communion  

(have a soloist, the choir or the congregation sing CH#283, “Jesus, Stand Among Us” either before or after the invitation to communion)

John’s Gospel includes the note about the disciples, one week after Jesus’ resurrection.  While they were gathered in the house, Jesus came and stood among them.  Jesus told Thomas, “Reach out your hand and put it in my side.  Do not doubt, but believe”.   When Thomas responded by claiming Jesus as Lord, Jesus replied,

“Have you believed because you have seen me?  Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.”

Twenty centuries later, we’re gathered as followers of Jesus, who believe without physically seeing the risen Lord.  It’s true:  each time we come to this Table, we want Jesus to “stand among us” as we remember his life, death and resurrection.  

Just as Thomas and the others moved beyond their fear and received Jesus’ blessing, so may Christ bless us as we share these emblems of bread and juice, allowing us to move beyond our fear and receive Jesus’ blessing.